A-Level AQA History - Germany: Nazi Dictatorship (1933-39)

Social Policies


The Nazi regime established control over the school system in two main ways: control over the teachers and the curriculum. The Nazis controlled the teachers by dismissing those who had political alliances or were Jewish. They also vetted textbooks and pressured teachers to join the regime's teaching union. Nazi indoctrination was present in every area of the school curriculum, from military drills in physical education to German lessons focused on German consciousness, and even geography lessons that taught about Lebensraum. The Nazis devalued academic education, severely restricting access to higher education (universities). Women were limited to 10% of university spots, and Jews were limited to 1.5%. Most universities willingly complied with the regime's new requirements.

Youth: Boys

The Hitler Jugend was established in 1926 but initially had little success. In 1936, a law was passed making membership in the HJ compulsory for all boys. The HJ emphasized constant indoctrination, physical activity, competition, struggle, heroism, and leadership. The group became attractive to young Germans due to opportunities for camping trips, sporting events, and staying away from home. However, there were reports of poor attendance and resentment once membership became compulsory and the group became more rigid.

Youth: Girls

The BDM, or League of German Girls, was the female equivalent of the Hitler Youth. It aimed to prepare girls for their future roles as housewives and mothers. Girls were taught about the importance of being healthy, as their bodies belonged to the nation. They were also taught skills such as handicrafts, sewing, and cooking. Many girls enjoyed participating in the BDM and found their experiences liberating.


Hitler had clear ideas about the role of women in the Nazi state. Women were expected to be the center of family life, fulfilling the roles of housewives and mothers. Hitler even introduced a medal for women who had eight or more children. The Nazis had specific expectations for women: they were expected to stay at home and take care of the family. Women in professions such as doctors, teachers, and civil servants were forced to give up their careers. Even at the end of the war, women were never asked to serve in the armed forces. Their primary job was to maintain a pleasant home for their husbands and families, with their lives revolving around the three 'Ks': kirche (church), kinder (children), and kuche (cooking). Hitler aimed for a high birth rate to increase the population, and the Nazis even considered making it a law for families to have at least four children. The Law for the Encouragement of Marriage provided newlywed couples with a loan of 1,000 marks and allowed them to keep 250 marks for each child they had. Mothers who had more than eight children were awarded a gold medal. Unmarried women could volunteer to have a baby for an Aryan member of the SS. Women were expected to dress in traditional German peasant fashion, wearing plain peasant costumes, with their hair in plaits or buns and flat shoes. They were discouraged from wearing makeup or trousers, dyeing their hair, or smoking in public.


Hitler aimed to control the workers to ensure their loyalty and obedience to his regime. Before 1933, workers tended to vote for left-wing parties, so Hitler needed to increase their productivity to achieve his ambitious foreign policy goals. To achieve this, the Nazis established three groups:

  • The German Labour Front (DAF) replaced trade unions, which were banned in May 1933 due to their potential interference with Hitler's plans. The DAF, run by Dr. Robert Ley, prohibited workers from striking, bargaining for wages, or leaving their jobs without permission. The DAF usually prioritized employers' wishes over employees'. Within two years, twenty million workers joined the DAF.
  • Strength Through Joy (KdF) was established in November 1933. Its aims were to make workers support Hitler by offering them rewards and to keep them occupied outside of work with organized leisure activities. Dr. Ley also ran this group. Activities and rewards included evening classes, theater trips, picnics, and very cheap or free holidays. The KdF organized walking holidays in Switzerland and skiing holidays in Bavaria. Two large cruise liners were built to sail people around the Canary Islands for only two weeks' wages. The KdF also initiated a savings scheme for workers who wanted to buy the Volkswagen Beetle, known as the "People's Car." Workers were required to save 5 marks per week until they had paid 750 marks into the scheme.
  • Beauty of Labour (SdA) aimed to help Germans see the value of work and encourage everyone who could work to do so. It also encouraged factory owners to improve conditions for workers, such as providing better lighting and washing facilities.

Protestant Churches

A state Reich Church, led by the Nazi Bishop Ludwig Müller, was established to unify the different branches of Protestantism. This allowed the Nazis to use a group called the 'German Christians' within the Reich Church to promote Nazi ideas. The Reich Church attempted to ban the use of the Old Testament in religious services, considering it a 'Jewish book.' Many Protestants opposed the Reich Church, and in 1934, Martin Niemöller established the Confessional Church and openly criticized the Nazi regime. He was arrested and sent to a concentration camp in 1937. Eight hundred pastors of the Confessional Church, a non-conforming Protestant group, were also arrested and sent to concentration camps. In 1937, Hitler was forced to return control of the Church to the old Protestant leadership in exchange for a promise that the Church would stay out of politics. Both Protestant and Catholic clergy played significant roles in opposing Hitler and the Nazis, often facing severe consequences.

Catholic Churches

In 1933, Hitler agreed to a Concordat with the Pope, which stated that he would not interfere in the running of the Catholic Church as long as it stayed out of political matters. However, Hitler did not keep his side of the agreement, as the Nazis attempted to infiltrate the Church and spread their propaganda. The Nazis also tried to prevent Catholics from using the crucifix in church, although this attempt was unsuccessful. Catholic schools and youth organizations were suppressed, and German children were educated in state schools with a Nazi curriculum. They were also expected to join various branches of the Hitler Youth. Catholic newspapers were banned, and Bishop August von Galen of Munich became a prominent voice against Nazi policies. In 1937, Pope Pius XI publicly criticized the Nazis, resulting in over 400 Catholic priests being sent to Dachau concentration camp. Attendance at Catholic churches increased significantly under the Nazis, especially during World War Two, indicating that Hitler's attempts to reduce the influence of religion in Germany were ultimately unsuccessful. Both Protestant and Catholic clergy played significant roles in opposing Hitler and the Nazis, often facing severe consequences.

When did the Hitler Youth become compulsory?
How did the Nazis control indoctrination in education?
Your answer should include: Teachers / Curriculum
Explanation: Through teachers and the curriculum.
What were the three Ks used to make women follow the new social protocol set by the regime?
Your answer should include: Kinder / Kuche / Kirche